Southfield Junior School


Year 3/4

E-Safety - Cyberbullying

The children have been learning how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.  They have been taught how to recognise acceptable ad unacceptable behaviour and how to identify a range of ways to report concerns about content.  They have also been learning how online messages can be hurtful even if the sender didn't intend them to be.  They know how to respond to a hurtful message online.

Digital Science - The Internet

This term the children have been exploring how a network can share messages with another network to form the internet.  They have been looking at how a router is involved in sharing messages and also what should be kept in and out of a network to keep it safe.

The children have been learning lots of facts about the internet then practising their typing and formatting skills to display their information.

Did you know............?


During this lesson the children learned about different parts of a network and how they connect to each other to form the internet.  They were able to recognise that the World Wide Web is part of the internet which contains websites and web pages.  Phew, heavy stuff.

The children looked at router maps and plotted different routes to get from one place to another.

Then they used hyperlinks to explore websites and list all the different things that they were able to view.

We have been exploring what can be shared on the World Wide Web and where websites are stored.  The children used the information to practise their typing and layout skills.  These two examples are from Year 3 children who are definitely getting better.

What is a website? This week we have been looking at different websites, the content that can be added and what should be consider before adding content.

Finally, we used a website which enabled the children to create their own content online.

Listen to the fantastic music created below.


Who owns the web? - We have been exploring who owns the content on the World Wide Web.  Looking at a variety of websites and investigating what we can and cannot do with the content on them.  We then related this to principles of ownership and sharing in the real world. eg Money, library books, class reading books etc. 

E-Safety - Super Searchers

Using search engines is something that we all do regularly but do we always do it safely and effectively, well that is what the children have been learning.  We looked at what a search engine is, which ones they used the most and how the results are ranked.

We looked at different strategies so that the children could learn to search accurately and effectively. 


 Creating Media - Photo Editing

The children have been developing their understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited.  They have been considering the impact that editing images can have and how it can have a negative effect.

We have been learning how to rotate and crop an image to improve the composition.  We looked at the effect that different colours and filters can have and how this can totally change the image to suit different scenarios.

Then we learned about cloning and retouching images to remove or duplicate areas within a photograph. 

We looked at combining parts of photos to create one image.  We then looked at the ethics around retouching photos.  The children watched a lady being made up for a photo shoot for a make up commercial, she looked beautiful.  The children were surprised to learn that this was not enough, the photo of the lady was then digitally altered to make her appear even more beautiful.  Larger eyes, slimmer chin, longer neck etc.  It is no wonder so many people have body phobias always trying to attain that perfect unobtainable look!

Finally we used all the skills learnt in the unit to create a book cover for a 'Magical forest' or a poster for 'Magibeasts'.  Here is what they have achieved so far.

Year 3 work by Bethany and Bracken

Year 4 work by Ezra and Poppie and Jessie



 Also, brilliant work by Violet and Esme

E-Safety - Copy Cats

Children discussed in pairs when they last completed a piece of work they were proud of.  Then discussed how they would feel if their name was rubbed off and someone else had written their name on it.

They looked at the word 'plagiarism' and were then shown different scenarios and they had to decide if it would be considered plagiarism or not.

To be a good copycat the children learned about what a 'citation' was and then they wrote citations on a piece of work that someone else had drawn.  This allowed them to use that piece of work by getting permission or by giving  credit for it.

Programming - Logo

The children have been learning how to programme in Logo.  Logo is a text-based programming language where the children have been typing commands which are then drawn on screen.  They have been creating algorithms (a set of instructions in the correct order) to write their initials and numbers.  They have also been learning how to debug their code if they find any errors.


Today we looked at patterns in everyday life. 

We then created algorithms to draw a square using a repeat command.  The children discovered that this was a much quicker and easier way to write a 'loop' for a shape.

 They then edited their algorithms to create smaller and larger squares.

 In their final lesson the children used all their knowledge of count-controlled loops to create a program that would be used to create a design for wrapping paper.  The children have come a long way from making their screen turtle move forwards 100 spaces!  What do you think?




Maisey M

E-Safety - too Much Information

Today we were identifying the information that we should not be sharing online and who we should talk to if we are unsure.  We discussed why it is dangerous to share certain information and then looked at why some websites or apps ask for registration information. 

We also looked at different profiles and asked the children to identify safe and unsafe information to have on a public profile.  We discussed why it might be dangerous for those children to reveal their personal details (including their real name), contact details and where they go to school (including photos of them in their school uniform).

Creating Media - Audio Production

We have been learning all about recording sound.  Inputs through microphones and outputs from speakers and headphones.  The children recorded their voices in a programme called Audacity, then they listened back and edited their recordings, they found it strange listening to their voices!  Next we added sound effects to enhance their mini podcasts.

Charlotte from Year 3's mini zoo podcast.

Planning our Podcasts.

The children worked in pairs to plan the content for their podcasts on Howard Carter.  After practising speaking to each other, they started to record.  They made sure that their voices were audible, strong and that they spoke with intonation.  They edited their recording or re-recorded where necessary. 

They have all completed their Podcasts, and they were amazing.  They layered the audio with their voice recordings and exported as an MP3 audio file.  Below is an example from a year 3 child and a year 4 child.  They really did enjoy this topic and had lots of fun listening to how they sounded when they listened back to their podcasts.

 E-Safety - Digital Citizenship

The children looked at what the two words meant and discussed how to be a good citizen in their town and in school.  We discussed the things that we need to do online and how we need to follow rules.  Being kind, respectful, responsible and how to recognise unacceptable behaviour.  The children typed up 3 things that the would do to be a good Citizen in Action.

Data and Information - Data Logging

 We considered what and how data can be collected.  We looked at questions that could and could not be answered using available data and we looked at the importance of collecting the right data to answer questions.

 Today we were looking at data collection and the idea of collecting data over time.  We used the three sensors on the data loggers to collect light, temperature and sound around the classroom.  The children then typed it up in a table.  Not as easy as they thought it would be!