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Southfield Junior School

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Knowledge organisers

At Southfield, we use Knowledge Organisers (KOs) both in class and for homework to support children in mastering the key information for each topic they study. A Knowledge Organiser clearly outlines what we expect students to memorize by the end of the topic. By the conclusion of each unit, most children should be able to recall all the information on the KO.

To reinforce their learning, children will be informally quizzed on the content in class every week.

At the end of each topic, an informal test is given to assess how much they’ve retained.

It’s also beneficial for children to review past KOs to ensure earlier learning isn't forgotten

Year 3 / 4 

 Term 1 and 2: Our World 

Term 3 and 4: Stone Age 

Year 5 / 6 

Term 1 and 2: The Victorians

Term 3: Trade and Economy